Did you know that, according to The Independent News & Media, the mandatory “fire insurance” policy that homeowners in Singapore are required to have doesn’t cover you for any personal belongings or furniture that might be stolen from inside your home?
And while having other types of insurance can help cover theft costs, you still don’t want an intruder in your home.
It can be stressful to think of your family in danger or your irreplaceable items being stolen if an intruder were to break in.
Fortunately, with an autogate system, you can protect your home. However, if your autogate system needs to be serviced, this means it isn’t working effectively to provide protection. But how do you know if this is the case?
In this article, we’ll cover the signs that your autogate system needs to be serviced. Finally, you can keep your family, home, and valuables safe. Read on to learn more.
Strange Noises When You Open or Close the Gate
If you’ve noticed strange noises when you open or close your automatic gate in Singapore, this could be caused by a range of factors, from a dirty motor to a lack of the right amount of lubrication. Hear a grinding noise? This could be caused by mechanical components being worn out.
As for a beeping sound, there might be a problem with your autogate’s battery.
The only way you can find out whether this is a serious issue that requires repair or replacement is by getting in touch with an autogate specialist.
Once you fix the issue or make the replacement, you can ensure your home is safe again.

Gate Misalignment
If your gate system is comprised of a double gate, you might have noticed that each side of each gate isn’t aligned with the other. This usually means that the hinges of your gate have become worn. This is a serious issue since your gates could end up not latching properly.
For this reason, you should get in touch with an autogate system professional to fix this problem ASAP. That way, your gates will latch properly and be able to keep out intruders.
Gate Not Closing or Opening Completely
Have you noticed that when you’re using your automatic sliding gate, it isn’t closing or opening completely? One reason this could be occurring, which isn’t as serious, is that something might be blocking your gate, making it impossible for the sliding gates to move how they should.
Another reason that isn’t too much to worry about is that the “hold open” command was accidentally activated.
However, if you’ve checked for these reasons and you’re still having this issue with your auto swing gate, it might be caused by an electrical problem. In this case, you should have an expert come take a look.
This way, they can fix the electrical issues in the door or let you know if you’re having bigger electrical issues within your home’s electrical system.

The Gate Will Latch but Not Lock
If your automatic swing gate is latching closed but not locking, then the magnetic lock isn’t working, and your gate isn’t keeping your home safe. There are many reasons this could be occurring, such as a power supply issue, the hinges being worn out, or poor installation.
Whatever the reason, you need to address what it is to get the issue fixed or have a new automatic gate installed as a replacement.
Until you have a professional come take a look and do what needs to be done, your gate won’t be locked properly and will expose your home to potential intruders. So, you’ll need to address this ASAP.
The Gate Is Sagging
If your autogate is sagging, this could be caused by structural problems, sinking posts, or worn hinges. These are all serious problems, so they have to be addressed quickly. A structural problem could mean that your swing gates are not as secure as they could be.
As for sinking posts, this could mean that your gates aren’t securely placed in the ground. Finally, worn hinges could cause your gate to not close or lock properly.
Once you have a professional come take a look, you can find out why your gate is sagging and whether you need a new gate installation to replace your current one or a simpler fix.

The Gate Closes and Opens on Its Own
Have you noticed that, even when you aren’t using your autogate, it’s closing and opening on its own? This is a common problem that might be caused by a motherboard failure. However, if the sensors are damaged or blocked by debris, this might be another reason.
It’s difficult to figure out what the reason is on your own. Call a professional to find out if you need to simply clean your sensors, replace them, or get the motherboard fixed.
Make sure to do this ASAP, since your gate opening while you’re away from home or asleep could make your home quite vulnerable to intruders.
The Gate Won’t Stay Closed
If you’ve noticed that the gate swings open, you should get it checked out. This could be caused by the door not closing properly or the magnetic lock not working properly. It could also be caused by one of the same issues as above.
Additionally, it might be caused by an issue with the rail or hinges. Whether the problem is mechanical, technological, or another type of problem, you should get your autogate system checked out ASAP.
This way, you won’t have to worry about your gate opening shortly after you’ve closed it, which can endanger your family and your home.

Failing Sensors
Automatic gates move quickly despite being heavy, sometimes at a speed of one metre a second or more. So if you notice that your gate continues to move even when there’s an object in the way that should be causing it to stop, this can be dangerous.
After all, if someone were standing in front of the door’s trajectory and it didn’t stop, they could end up experiencing a serious injury.
Call in a professional to find out whether your gate’s failing sensors need to be fixed or repaired.
Response Delays or Total Failure
When temperatures are colder, this can cause gates that already have existing issues to operate in a way that’s slower than usual. If you’ve noticed that there’s a response delay or your gate is completely failing to open, this can be a sign of these existing issues.
Often, the issue will be that components have worn down. This is especially likely if you’ve noticed these problems occurring frequently.
To see which components need replacing or repair, have an autogate system services company come take a look.

Visible Damage or Wear
If you can see actual damage on your autogate, you should call in a professional. For one thing, even if it’s merely an aesthetic issue, it could make an intruder believe that your home is less secure, making them more likely to attempt a break-in.
Additionally, if the wear or damage is a problem that’s a sign of a larger problem, the professional could identify it, after which they can let you know if a repair or replacement is needed.
Incorrect Tracking
When a gate runs off its tracks, whether you’re closing it or opening it, this is a bad sign. If you continue to use your autogate system while this is occurring, you could end up causing the system to completely shut down. It can also lose stability if it completely comes off the tracks.
Incorrect tracking can occur because of a lack of lubrication on the rollers or because the tracks are damaged or worn.
Take a look at your tracks to see which of these issues are the problem. If lubricating isn’t enough, it’s time to call in a professional to repair or replace the tracks.

Need More Information About Autogate System Technology?
Now that you’ve learned the signs that your autogate system needs to be serviced, you might need additional information. Maybe you want to learn about how often you should have your autogate system serviced, or you’re looking for an autogate services company near you.
If you’re looking for an autogate services company, look no further than Handyman Services.
We offer repairs for your sliding/swing autogate, the installation of a new gate, and the replacement of your autogate’s motor. To learn more about these services, contact us now!